hartland-aerial-hhTake a tour of Hartland Landfill & Public Drop-off Depot! Learn how the CRD safely and responsibly manages the region's waste and how diversion programs on-site help reduce the amount of garbage ending up in the landfill.

Tour Features

There's a lot to explore at Hartland Landfill:

Active Face

See where all your garbage goes and what we do with it! Learn what's banned from the garbage and how improper disposal of items can result in landfill fires.

Landfill Gas Capture and Utilization

Learn about waste recovery and how we turn garbage into energy.

Environmental Monitoring

Our environmental monitoring programs prevent or reduce potential effects on groundwater, surface water, and air.

Rehabilitation Site

Visit the closed section of the landfill where native plants help return the area into a natural eco-system.

Public Drop-off Area

Waste diversion programs at the Hartland Public Drop-off Area reduce the amount of garbage that enters the landfill.

Learn how to protect the environment by returning household hazardous waste.

Public Tours

What you put in the garbage matters.

Residents are invited to join us for a presentation and tour! We'll discuss the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), ways we can generate less waste, and how our behaviours affect Hartland Landfill and the region.

If you are a member of the media please contact us to request a tour or more information. 

Latest Tours

  • March 8, 2025, 9:30-11:45am
  • March 21, 2025, 9:30-11:45am
  • March 28, 2025, 9:30-11:45am  

Public tours are offered periodically throughout the year. Visit our Eventbrite page to register.

Community Group Tours

Site tours are available for community groups between 15-35 people, upon request.

Tours are popular and space fills up fast. Please contact us at least two weeks in advance of your desired tour date.

School Group Tours

The CRD 3Rs School Program offers free interactive workshops and guided tours for Grades K-12. Programs are popular and space fills up fast. Please contact us at least two weeks in advance of your desired date. For program descriptions and registration visit our 3Rs Programs page.

Recently take a tour?

Please complete this evaluation form to provide us with feedback.