
Read on to find out about the activities of the Bowker Creek Initiative (BCI).

Updating the Bowker Creek Blueprint

The Bowker Creek Blueprint is a 100 year plan to restore the Bowker Creek watershed, published in 2010. The Blueprint set out watershed principles and specific actions that balanced the social, economic and environmental factors of urban watershed renewal.

Since the Blueprint was published, actions have been completed and new information and studies are available, such as the Daylighting Feasibility Study outlined below. BC partners have formed a working group to develop an updated Blueprint. Stay tuned for engagement opportunities in fall 2024. 

Celebrating 10 Years of Success in the Bowker Creek Watershed

Ten years after the publication of the Blueprint, many successes have been achieved through the work of the BCI partners. Read more about accomplishments over the last 10 years here.

Bowker Creek Daylighting Feasibility Study

The Bowker Creek Daylighting Feasibility Study (prepared by ISL Engineering and Land Services in 2020 on behalf of the Bowker Creek Initiative) is a critical milestone in the efforts of local governments and community groups to improve the health of the Bowker Creek watershed.  With the detailed information compiled in the study, municipalities will be able to integrate creek daylighting options into redevelopment plans, and move forward with an enhanced greenway network through the watershed. The study can be reviewed here. In addition, this companion report describes potential storm water management facilities in the Bowker Creek watershed. 

New BCI Watershed ModelBCI watershed model Camas Day

In 2022, a new transportable watershed model was created to offer an engaging way of looking at urban watershed renewal. It is an interactive model that allows a wet display with water from a spray bottle to show how rain washes pollution into the creek and ocean, and how green stormwater management can reduce flooding, erosion, and keep pollution out of Bowker Creek. The model will be used for public education at events and also by local schools. For information about viewing the watershed model contact the BCI coordinator. 

Interpretive Signs for the Watershed

In 2019 the BCI replaced the four aging signs in the watershed. Now there are 6 new signs throughout the watershed, from the headwaters at University of Victoria through Saanich and Victoria to near the mouth of the creek in Oak Bay. Read more and view the signs. 

You can help!

The Friends of Bowker Creek hold work bees at Oak Bay High and Monteith Gardens to remove invasive plants and restore nature species. They also run a Streamkeepers program with the goal of restoring chum salmon to Bowker Creek. Contact Friends of Bowker Creek Society for more information. 

What is the BCI?

The Bowker Creek Urban Watershed Renewal Initiative (BCI) is a unique multi-jurisdictional effort to improve the health of a highly urbanized watershed. The Initiative was established because of concerns about flooding, pollution, and the degraded condition of Bowker creek. Read more >>

A Beacon of Inspiration

In September 2021 the Partnership for Water Sustainability published a Watershed Case Profile to document the history and successes of the Bowker Creek Initiative and Bowker Creek Blueprint, which the authors describe as a "beacon of inspiration". This document celebrates the people and stories behind the first two decades of the Bowker Creek Initiative, including community champions and local government leaders, and gives a glimpse of what the future holds for the Bowker Creek watershed.