Restoration Activities

Volunteer help is critically important for carrying out and maintaining any restoration initiative in the watershed. Volunteers are active throughout the watershed, removing invasive plants, improving riparian areas, and adding native species.  If you wish to be informed of opportunities to participate in projects like this, please contact the Bowker Creek Initiative Coordinator and ask to be put on the Bowker volunteer listserv.

You can also contact individual volunteer groups to learn more: 

Friends of Bowker Creek: Active in restoration work around Oak Bay High School, Monteith demonstration garden, Browning Park, the Chum Salmon Recovery Program, and much more. 
Friends of Cedar Hill Park: Active in restoring Reach 17 of Bowker Creek that starts in Cedar Hill Golf course, in partnership with Saanich's Pulling Together program.  

Outreach Events

The Initiative has a presence at public events throughout the year, and we can always use volunteer help to staff our display booth. Please contact the Bowker Creek Initiative Coordinator if you'd like to join our fun and creative group of outreach volunteers.

Contacting the BCI

Want to get involved with the BCI? Contact the Bowker Creek Initiative Coordinator:
