Report it! Hazardous material (hazmat) spills may include chemical, radiation, biohazard, propane, oil and gas, flammable materials, industrial products and mixed waste.
  • Call 911 or British Columbia's 24-hour incident reporting hotline at 1.800.663.3456 to report a spill.

Preparing for HAZMAT Spills

Spills of chemicals and other contaminants may occur in transportation, industry, businesses, medical centres and even our homes. After an earthquake or flood, hazardous spills can create a secondary disaster. Be prepared to shelter-in-place or evacuate as instructed by authorities. Follow your emergency plan and take your grab & go bag.

After a large spill, evacuation is common but in some cases, officials may judge that evacuation would pose a greater risk than having people remain indoors. Be prepared for either scenario.

What Happens if there is a spill?

The local fire department will send a crew to identify and assess the situation and secure the area. The Ministry of Environment and the local fire department will have the ability to draw on the regional resources (equipment and technicians) to mitigate the situation. They will also work with the Ministry of Environment and responsible parties to contain the spill and minimize the impact to safety and the environment.

  • Call 911 or British Columbia's 24-hour incident reporting hotline at 1.800.663.3456 911 to report a hazardous spill.
  • If known, provide the 911 dispatcher with a description of product spilled. Do not approach the spill to investigate. Stay away from the site to minimize the risk of contamination.
  • Follow directions given by emergency responders at the scene.
  • Listen to the radio for instructions and information about a possible evacuation.