Required fields are denoted with  *

Contact Information:

Program Information:

Submit a separate form for each unique program ie. if you teach Yoga and Pilates, or if you teach the same program on different days and times each week.
(550 characters max)
(5000 characters max)

(5000 characters max)

(5000 characters max)
(5000 characters max)
Has a revenue split been pre-negotiated? Please indicate what if so.

Set-up Information

(5000 characters max)
(5000 characters max)

Qualifications & History:

(5000 characters max)
(5000 characters max)
(5000 characters max)

Important Note

All contractors and their employees are required to provide proof of a recent (within 1 year) municipal Criminal Record Check prior to the start of the program. Criminal Record Checks can be obtained from your local Police Department.
I understand that this is required:*