We are pleased to offer programs for children 6 to 12 years. Programs include arts, crafts, music, dance, general interest, fitness, sports, racquet sports, skating, arena, swimming, aquatics and leadership.


Program Brochure

Registration is available online, in-person and by phone.

Click the link for a printable PDF version of the Winter brochure.

Winter program registration is active now.

Watch our registration tips video to help make the registration process easier.

Looking ahead?  The Spring brochure will be released on Tuesday, February 18.  Registration to begin at 6:30am, Tuesday, February 25.  Spring swim lessons will be available for online viewing on Tuesday, April 1, with registration beginning at 6:30am, Tuesday, April 8. 

Out of School Care

We are please to offer After School Care, 2:45 - 5:30pm for KELSET, Sidney, Deep Cove, Keating and Brentwood Elementary Schools. We will provide transportation from school to Greenglade Community Centre. Read more >>