Grants-in-Aid are one-time grants to fund special projects and activities, awarded to community non-profit organizations who deliver projects benefiting electoral areas (Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island and Southern Gulf Islands) that are not already funded by requisition.

They are one-time grants awarded to projects or activities which are beyond the scope of CRD services and represent an appropriate use of tax dollars to benefit an electoral area.

Eligibility criteria

  • Grants-in-Aid are intended for non-profit agencies or societies for projects of benefit to the electoral area.
  • Grants-in-Aid are intended for special one-time projects, not ongoing operational funding, although applications for recurring projects can be made.
  • Organizations already being funded directly on an ongoing basis by taxation, or industrial, commercial or business undertaking or private individuals are not eligible for assistance under this program.
  • Grants-in-Aid are not intended for the personal benefit of any individual, proprietor, member or shareholder.

The lists below summarizes Grants-in-Aid administered for the Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island and Southern Gulf Islands electoral areas. It is updated on an annual basis.

How to Apply

To apply, refer to the following documents:

Juan de Fuca and Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Areas

Applications for Grants-in-Aid are received throughout the year, and are submitted by mail or fax to the Electoral Area Director for the region from which the application originates.

Salt Spring Island Electoral Area

The Local Community Commission (LCC) provides Grants in Aid to financially assist community groups, not-for-profit societies, and organizations for specific projects on Salt Spring Island not already funded by requisition, in the spring and fall. Applications and supporting documentation must be received by April 30 and October 30 each year. The LCC will meet to review the applications prior to May 30 and November 30, and payments will be made before June 30 and December 31. Completed forms and all supporting documentation may be submitted by email or mailed/ delivered to: Capital Regional District #108, 121 McPhillips Avenue Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2T6