The Juan de Fuca Land Use Committee (LUC) considered a request to amend Bylaw No. 2040 to rezone the subject properties from the Forestry (AF) zone to the Rural Commercial Recreation (Campground) (CR-2) zone with amendments for the purpose of permitting cabins; campsites; staff accommodation; office and reception space combined with a convenience store and a caretaker dwelling unit; assembly uses; and accessory and utility buildings (Bylaw No. 4518) at its meeting of January 17, 2023.
At that meeting, the LUC recommended that the proposal be referred to agencies and to the Shirley-Jordan River Advisory Planning Commission (APC).
The Shirley-Jordan River APC considered the proposal at its meeting of February 7, 2023.
The LUC considered the application, as amended by the applicant to reduce overall tourist accommodation, remove assembly uses, and offer a public trail amenity, at its meeting of August 20, 2024.
At that meeting, the LUC recommended that proposed Bylaw No. 4518 be amended to specify a 50 m vegetated buffer along the western property line of the subject property, adjacent to Jordan River Regional Park. The LUC recommended that proposed Bylaw No. 4518, as amended, be given first reading and second reading and direction to proceed to public hearing.
The CRD Board gave amended Bylaw No. 4518 first reading and second reading and direction to proceed to public hearing at its meeting of September 11, 2024.
A public hearing was held November 12, 2024.
Should you have any questions or for further information, please email Juan de Fuca Community Planning or call 250.642.8100.