Water Main Flushing

Sep 24, 2024

Water main flushing in effect from Oct. 1- Dec. 31, 2024

What is Flushing & Why is it Important

Water main flushing is a technique used to clean water distribution pipes and reservoirs of sediment and debris that builds up over time. Flushing is accomplished by strategically manipulating fire hydrants and valves to force water at high velocities through the system from previously flushed sections of pipe.  Flushing helps to improve water quality and increases the life of system components such as pressure reducing valves, line valves and pumps.  Flushing also helps to identify weak or problem areas in the system which can avoid costly repairs. 

When is Flushing Happening

The flushing program will resume October 1 and continue until December 31, 2024.  

Where is Flushing Happening

Flushing will occur in the following communities: Sooke, East Sooke, Metchosin, Colwood and Langford.  

This alert will be updated each morning (beginning Oct. 1) with a list of streets that will be flushed.

Streets Being Flushed Today

  • NA

What to Expect During Flushing

During the flushing process, low pressure and discoloured water are common. Any discolouration is temporary and is not a health hazard. CRD staff collect and test water samples daily throughout the entire distribution system to ensure that the water is safe for consumption. If you notice any discolouration in your water, run your cold water taps until water runs clear, this should only be done after crews have finished flushing in your area. 

Please take caution during flushing and ensure that water is clear before drinking, showering, doing laundry or dishes.  

Who to Contact

If you have questions or concerns about flushing please contact 250.474.9619