Capital Regional District Sign Strategy

Jul 8, 2020, 04:16 PM
Project manager:
Monique Booth
Contact person:
Monique Booth
Project manager phone:
(250) 360-3165
Contact person phone:
(250) 360-3165
Project ID:
Jul 8, 2020, 02:15 PM
Jul 22, 2020, 04:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Corporate Communications
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Request for Expressions of Interest

Awarded to:

Project Description:



The Capital Regional District (CRD) wishes to engage the services of a qualified consultant to develop a comprehensive sign strategy that provides a clear set of objectives, guidelines, procedures and templates for the development of future signage for the CRD.


As a local government, the CRD develops and delivers over 200 projects and services to ensure a sustainable, livable and vibrant capital region. The CRD works collaboratively with First Nations and all levels of governments and has direct relationships with individuals, businesses, organizations, institutions and communities that access regional utilities and services.

We require a corporate sign strategy that will meet the needs of residents, visitors and staff. This strategy will apply existing graphic standards to ensure and promote a cohesive and coherent brand that conveys quality, sustainability and authenticity in its design and construction. The strategy needs to be scalable and varied, addressing the needs of residents and visitors using and visiting CRD facilities and operational sites. Authenticity, sustainability, legibility, brand application, safety, maintenance are important considerations.

The purpose of this Request for Expressions of Interest (“RFEOI”) is to seek interest and award a consultant to develop a strategy to standardize signage – including font, colour, white space, size, common content, logo placement – across the CRD, thereby reducing repeated design efforts and approvals, and ensure consistency of look and feel of CRD signage across departments and posting locations.


There is a need to develop a comprehensive strategy for CRD signage. Currently, signage requirements are managed on a case-by-case need. The CRD has diverse signage requirements, including facility signage, entrance, wayfinding and amenity signage. By developing a sign strategy we aim to enhance the user experience, capture missed opportunities, improve the visual aesthetic and improve consistency in signage design and development.

The brand elements envisioned by this project should be reflective of the overall graphic standards and draw from existing signage where appropriate.

Currently, CRD signage across the region varies in level of maturity and compliance with current brand standards.  With the exception of Regional Parks signage, there is not a current comprehensive signage inventory is in place to determine the actual number and types of signs (see Appendix A general sign categories and types). To date, there are informal signage guidelines, but not a formal policy, strategy or manual to guide signage design, development and installation.

Submission Address and Closing Date

(by courier)
Capital Regional District
625 Fisgard Street
Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
Attention:  Monique Booth, Manager, Communications Services

(by mail)
Capital Regional District
PO Box 1000
Victoria, BC V8W 2S6
Attention:  Monique Booth, Manager, Communications Services

Closing Date and Time:

Closing Date: July 22, 2020 at 4 p.m.

Submit your response to Monique Booth via email at

Late responses will not be considered.

Responses submitted by facsimile communication equipment (FAX) will not be considered.

Proponents must register with Monique Booth, Manager, Communications Services (250)-360-3165 or to be included on the Registered Proponents List and in order to receive any further communications regarding this RFEOI issued by the Owner.

Full RFEOI document is attached.

Additional Documents:
None specified

(As a Registered Vendor, this will subscribe you to all updates made to CRD Business Opportunities - Capital Regional District Sign Strategy)

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