Dec 20, 2024, 05:00 PM
Project manager:
Ian Wiebenga
Contact person:
Ian Wiebenga
Project manager phone:
Contact person phone:
Project ID:
Dec 20, 2024, 05:00 PM
Jan 29, 2025, 02:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Parks & Environmental Services
Project Status:
Under Review
Tender Type:
Invitation to Tender

Awarded to:

Project Description:


Tenders will be received electronically by the CRD at, with the subject line Tender for Hartland Landfilling Civil Operations Contract No. 30.24.05-03 up to 2:00pm local time on January 29, 2025, at which time they will be opened in private.

The works to be constructed under this Contract generally include, but is not limited to, the following: 

The CRD would like to contract equipment and services of a qualified construction / operations contractor for a term of five years plus a conditional additional one-year term or two-year term for  a total of up to 7 years starting January 2026 to carry out landfilling operations at Hartland landfill. The work shall consist of day-to-day solid waste landfilling and compacting of municipal solid waste including applying daily cover on exposed refuse, asbestos and other controlled wastes as directed by the Engineer. Proponents may be awarded follow-on work without a competition.

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The Capital Regional District encourages proponents to consider opportunities for Indigenous employment, business involvement, and community opportunities for works at Hartland Landfill, located in traditional territory of the W̱ SÁNEĆ peoples. Proponents are encouraged to procure goods and services from WSÁNEĆ-affiliated businesses and to consider partnerships and joint ventures to benefit these communities. This is not a local preference. Each proponent will be evaluated on its merits at the time of submission.

A non-mandatory pre-tender site meeting will be held at the Hartland Learning Center - #1 Hartland Ave, Victoria BC V9E 1L7 at 1:30pm, January 9, 2025. CRD staff will escort the Tenderers to the active face.

Tenderers will require their own vehicles capable of safely travelling on steep and winding gravel roads. Contractors shall come equipped with a high visibility vest and steel toe boots. Tenderers are recommended to visit the site to ensure that they have satisfied themselves of everything and of every condition that could affect the execution of the work. Tenderers are encouraged to make enquiries to satisfy themselves of the work requirements.

For information and/or enquiries on this project please contact:  Ian Wiebenga, Project Manager at


Additional Documents:
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(As a Registered Vendor, this will subscribe you to all updates made to CRD Business Opportunities - ITT-30.24.05-03 HARTLAND LANDFILLING CIVIL OPERATIONS)

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