Scope of Work
The consultant will develop a detailed workplan for the overall project including key deliverables as part of the proposal to achieve project objectives. The details of the proposed workplan will form part of the RFP evaluation.
The purpose of this RFP is to invite consultants to submit proposals to develop Space, Access and Source Separation Guidelines to streamline waste area design requirements and separation criteria across the capital region.
The CRD invites bids from qualified consultants to create public facing guidelines or tools to:
1.Assist developers with planning for effective space, access, and source separation for new build construction projects within the MF, Commercial, and Institutional sectors across the capital region by:
a. Developing building design guidance/standards that support convenient access to a full range of recycling and garbage services to maximize diversion of materials from the landfill.
b. Developing building design guidance/standards to ensure sufficient space is allocated for collection of materials, including turning radius and height, length and width clearance for collection vehicles.
c. Creating efficient centralized collection areas with sufficient space for recycling and garbage containers or other materials that are generated by the operation (e.g., bulky items, furniture, tires, wood pallets) to help maximize diversion efforts and avoid unsightly premises caused by overflowing containers. This would include a guide for estimating the appropriate type and quantity of containers based on intended uses and anticipated dwelling unit numbers for the buildings.
d. Minimizing contamination of recycling by designing areas to accommodate convenient grouping of recycling types and space for instructional materials (e.g., signage).
2.Assist property managers with setting up waste areas and contracting haulers for effective waste diversion by:
a. Developing a comprehensive guide of key questions to ask and information to gather when selecting and contracting waste haulers.
b. Creating a guide for best practices in waste source separation, including options for various material streams available in the capital region.
c. Providing existing buildings with best practices for waste and recycling space retrofits.
3. Develop model bylaw(s) and/or policies for use by local governments to set requirements for new MF, Commercial, and Institutional building developments with regards to waste area specifications and source separation requirements.
a. Provide guidance to municipalities on how to implement bylaw(s) and/or policies. For example, should the bylaws or policies be applied as part of a permitting process, rezoning process, etc.
b. Include guidance on what personnel should review proposed designs and at what point in the design process this should happen.
It is fundamental to this RFP that all documents and graphic design files, produced by the consulting firm, are the property of the CRD and may be used at the sole discretion of the CRD. Please also note that guides will be public facing and accessed by a wide range of users. Finished products need to be well-designed and user-friendly.