2024-018 - McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Densadeg No. 1 Scum Collection Equipment

Nov 6, 2024, 04:44 PM
Project manager:
Contact person:
Shari McCreesh
Project manager phone:
Contact person phone:
(250) 474-9674
Project ID:
Nov 6, 2024, 04:45 PM
Nov 27, 2024, 02:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Wastewater Management
Project Status:
Under Review
Tender Type:
Request for Quotation

Awarded to:

Project Description:



The Capital Regional District (“CRD”) invites quotes from qualified bidders for the supply and delivery of a new scum pipe, worm gear and motorized actuator as one complete package from a single vendor for the Densadeg No.1 unit at McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant (MPWWTP).

Sealed bids should be clearly marked “Quote for the Supply & Delivery of MPWWTP – Densadeg No.1 Scum Collection Equipment, ITQ No. 2024-018, Attention: Shari McCreesh, Purchaser”.

Quotes will be received electronically via email to PurchasingIWS@crd.bc.ca. no later than 2:00:00 p.m. on November 27, 2024. Quotes received after the closing will not be accepted or considered. Delays caused by any delivery, courier, e-mail, or mail service(s) will not be grounds for an extension of the closing time. Proposals received after the closing time will be returned unopened to the Proponent. In the event of a dispute, the time of receipt according to the CRD’s e-mail system will govern.

The Quote Forms are contained in this document and inquiries can be made by contacting Shari McCreesh, Purchaser at PurchasingIWS@crd.bc.ca, five (5) calendar days prior to the closing date and time. Inquiries must be made in writing. Inquiries by any other method will not be responded to.

Quotes must be submitted on the following forms which are provided in this Invitation to Quote:

a) Bid Form
b) Schedule of Quantities and Prices
c) Acknowledgement of Addendum (if any) via signed copy of addendum(s)
d) Review the pro forma contract and indicate areas of concern or requests for changes.
Note that the contract is pro-forma only and is not required to be filled out and submitted

by the bidders.

The Owner reserves the right to clarify any submission. At CRD’s option, a failure to include a mandatory form noted above does not render a quotation incapable of acceptance. This is not a tender, but a call for non-binding quotations.

The lowest or any quotation will not necessarily be accepted.

If the CRD determines that an amendment is required to this ITQ, the CRD will issue a written addendum and it will be posted to BC Bid or CRD websites. The addendum(s) will be incorporated into and become a part of this ITQ. Failure to acknowledge and address all addenda in a quotation may render the Quote invalid. It is the sole responsibility of the Respondents to check BC Bid or the CRD websites for addendum(s) prior to submittal.

Description of the Work
The “Work” requires the supply and delivery of a new scum pipe, worm gear and motorized
actuator as one complete package from a single vendor for the Densadeg No.1 unit at MPWWTP, as per the drawings and specifications listed in the ITQ documents.

Additional Documents:
Additional documents exist that can be accessed by a logged-in/registered user for viewing.

(As a Registered Vendor, this will subscribe you to all updates made to CRD Business Opportunities - 2024-018 - McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant Densadeg No. 1 Scum Collection Equipment)

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