Lochside Regional Trail - Weiler to Beacon Avenue Rebuild

Oct 1, 2024, 02:45 PM
Project manager:
Peter Trotter
Contact person:
Project manager phone:
Contact person phone:
Project ID:
Oct 1, 2024, 02:44 PM
Oct 25, 2024, 10:30 AM
Approx. Time Left:
Facilities Management & Engineering
Project Status:
Under Review
Tender Type:
Invitation to Tender

Awarded to:

Project Description:

October 10, 2024 - Addendum #2 Issued

October 3, 2024 - Addendum #1 Issued

"Tender for Lochside Regional Trail – Weiler to Beacon Avenue Rebuild – Contract No. 20.24.06-01” will be received by Peter Trotter, P. Eng., Project Manager Parks, Recreation & Environmental Services of the Capital Regional District at their

offices at 625 Fisgard Street, Victoria, British Columbia up to 10:30AM local time on Friday, October 25, 2024, at which time they will be opened in private.


The works to be constructed under this Contract generally include, but is not limited to, the following:

The Contractor shall furnish all materials, equipment, labour, and related items necessary to complete the work in compliance with this contract. The items of work to be performed may include but are not limited to:


1. The removal and replacement (resurfacing) of asphalt along the Lochside Regional Trail from Weiler Avenue to Beacon Avenue in Sidney BC according to the drawing package supplied (Appendix C).

2. Removal of tree roots and other unsuitable base materials and replacement of base material with sized gravel where required according to the drawings along the route.

3. Installation of a root guard material along portions of the trail where trees may affect the new installation according to the drawings.
4. Disposal of asphalt and removed materials.
5. Traffic Control as required for the work being done.
6. This is only a general description of the summary of the Work. It is to be read in conjunction with the drawings and the Scope of Work and Specifications. This section is not definitive, and the Work must be completed in accordance with all the Contract Documents.
7. The word “install” means “supply and install” unless noted otherwise.


This contract will include the removal of surplus base coarse material, and/or cold mix, supply and placing of Hot Mix Asphalt, including pavement, and shouldering.

A mandatory pre-tender site meeting will be held at the Lochside Trail at Weiler Avenue at 11:00AM, Wednesday, October 9, 2024.

For information and/or enquiries on this project please contact Peter Trotter, P.Eng., Project Manager at PurchasingFMES@crd.bc.ca. 



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