RFP 23-216 Exterior Window Washing

Jun 15, 2023, 04:19 PM
Project manager:
Contact person:
Project manager phone:
(250) 360-3377
Contact person phone:
Project ID:
RFP 23-216
Jun 15, 2023, 03:45 PM
Jul 4, 2023, 03:00 PM
Approx. Time Left:
Regional Housing
Project Status:
Tender Type:
Request for Proposal

Awarded to:
Alco Building Management Services

Project Description:

The CAPITAL REGION HOUSING CORPORATION (“CRHC”) invites detailed proposals from contractors (the "Proponents") in strict accordance with these Proposal Documents (CRHC, RFP No. 23/216).  The proposals will be evaluated for the selection of a contractor (or contractors) with the intent to enter into a contract (the “Contract”) to provide the services described in Appendix “A”.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to select a contractor (the “Contractor”) to supply all labour, supervision, materials, plant, equipment, small tools and all other services to wash the exterior of windows (2nd floor and above except when noted for wheelchair accessible suites), not accessible by balconies at 54 housing complexes owned or managed by the Capital Region Housing Corporation. Some buildings include all exterior glass and/or include additional glass such as balcony rails, skylights, sliding door & door lights. In the provision of the Services, the Contractor must meet the CRHC’s approved window cleaning standards and all other specifications contained herein.

A Contract will not necessarily result from this RFP.

Closing Time and Date for Submission of Proposals

The CRHC will accept one copy of each proposal, in accordance with the instructions contained herein, at the following specific physical location:

Attention:      Kristin Kemle

Senior Property Manager, Procurement & Asset Services



631 Fisgard Street

Victoria BC, V8W 1R7

Fax:  250-361-4970

On or before the following date and time (the “Closing Time”):

Time:             3:00:00 pm [local time]

Date:             Click here to pick a date.

The CRHC reserves the right to extend the Closing Time at its sole discretion.

Proposals must not be sent by fax or electronically.

Additional Documents:
Additional documents are no longer available for viewing.

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