Interim Management Guidelines Adopted for former Royal Oak Golf Course

Sep 12, 2024

Saanich, BC – The Capital Regional District (CRD) Board officially adopted new Interim Management Guidelines (IMG) for the former Royal Oak Golf Course property on September 11, 2024.

The CRD purchased the property, a 10.92-hectare (27-acre) lot located in the District of Saanich and adjacent to Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park and Saanich Commonwealth Place, on October 31, 2023. The purpose of the IMG document is to guide the operation of the former Royal Oak Golf Course lands in an interim fashion, until the land is included within an approved park management plan and until the CRD has had sufficient time to consult with local First Nations to understand their interests in the land.

The CRD will continue to make the property available for public use while the IMG is in place and existing pathways will be maintained as hiking trails for walking, running, leash-optional dog walking and similar pedestrian uses. Initial observations have confirmed the presence of the threatened Pacific Coast population of western painted turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii). Steps will be taken to monitor and mitigate threats to protect and enhance habitat for this species on the property.

CRD staff are also currently exploring options to partner with an established recreation group to continue to allow disc golf on the property on a temporary basis while staff assess its compatibility within the regional parks system through the development of the Stewardship Plan. The consideration of formally sanctioning disc golf on the property on a long-term basis, as well as other more active outdoor recreation opportunities, such as cycling and equestrian use, would need to occur through the development of a park management plan. This will provide an opportunity for all voices to be heard and interests expressed as part of the public and First Nations engagement processes that inform management plan development.

The CRD appreciates many stakeholders, including park neighbours and other members of the community, may have feedback and questions. It is important to recognize that no formal decisions have been made on future use of the property at this time, and that the IMG simply provides temporary operational guidance for CRD staff related to site securement and management of the property. Any updated management plans would include a full public engagement and it is at that time the CRD would count on vital and valuable input and feedback from all stakeholders and interested members of the public regarding long-term, future land use.

The former Royal Oak Golf Course property can be accessed through Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park, via the Filter Beds or Beaver Beach parking lots. Wayfinding signage is in place. There is no public parking available at the former golf clubhouse or in the residential area surrounding the former golf course lands.

As the CRD continues to get a full view of the different types of use on this newly acquired land, we are working to ensure park visitors have the information they need related to park etiquette and bylaws through new signage, education, and park ranger patrols. If visitors have specific concerns related to visitor use or maintenance in the park, they can use the CRD’s online reporting portal which will ensure concerns are captured and assigned to staff to resolve as quickly as possible.

The CRD delivers regional, sub-regional and local services to 13 municipalities and three electoral areas on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Governed by a 24-member Board of Directors, the CRD works collaboratively with First Nations and government partners to enable sustainable growth, foster community well-being, and develop cost-effective infrastructure while continuing to provide core services to residents throughout the region. Visit us online at


For media inquiries, please contact:
Andy Orr, Senior Manager
CRD Corporate Communications
Tel: 250.360.3229
Cell: 250.216.5492
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