Size of waterway (total area) 54.5 ha
Total area of watersheds that drain into the Gorge 8232.5 ha
Main creeks that flow into the Gorge (including Portage Inlet) Craigflower Creek, Colquitz River, Hospital Creek, Gorge Creek (NB: Cecelia Creek is considered part of Victoria Harbour watershed)
Depth of the Gorge Average <5 m
Main physical features Narrow inlet; strong tidal currents; tidal restriction at Gorge Narrows
Main biological features Salmon spawning streams; intertidal mud flats; eelgrass meadows; rocky subtidal benthic communities; Olympia oysters; filter feeding community in the narrows; important year-round bird feeding and resting habitat
Main environmental concerns Loss of intertidal and shoreline habitats; shoreline hardening; water quality
Number of storm drains entering the waterway 84
Total length of shoreline (including Portage Inlet) 17,494 m
Dominant subtidal substrate type Gravelly mud/sand
Other subtidal substrates Mud, sand/mud, gravel, rock

Gorge Waterway Initiative

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Emergency Contacts

Emergency Management of BC 1.800.663.3456
Report a Spill
