Pay Parking at Sooke Potholes & Thetis Lake Regional Parks

Pay parking at Sooke Potholes and Thetis Lake regional parks is in effect for the summer season from May 1 to September 30. At Sooke Potholes pay parking is at parking Lots 1, 2 and 3; at Thetis it is at the main parking lot, overflow parking and West Beach. Revenue collected from parking fees helps to offset the costs of park services for visitors. Parking is free at all other regional parks and regional trails.

Daily and Seasonal Passes

The cost of parking is $2.00 for two hours, $4.00 per day, or $30 for a season's pass. A seasonal parking pass is valid at both parks. The ticket dispensers accept loonies, toonies, quarters and credit cards. You may also purchase a ticket or seasonal pass using the Honk Mobile system. You can pay online or download the app. The parking pass uses a pay-by-plate system whereby the parking pass is associated with a specific vehicle. You do not need to display a pass in your vehicle. Pay parking is operated by Robbins Parking.

The system is a greener, more convenient and more efficient method of administering the parking passes. It eliminates ticket sharing and allows for more efficient patrolling of the lots. The CRD can also eliminate the plastic passes and visitors no longer need to travel to the CRD Regional Parks Headquarters or the Robbins office downtown to obtain them. It also ensures that visitors do not risk losing their passes.

The CRD reminds visitors that Sooke Potholes and Thetis Lake are open sunrise to sunset. Parking is free during the off-season (October 1 to April 30).