Project Type Water
Project Status Design
Project Area Langford
Estimated Cost $8,730,000
Estimated Start Date 01-Sep-2021
Estimated End Date 28-Feb-2026
Contracted To / Performed By Associated Engineering (BC)


The Goldstream Water Treatment Plant uses UV and chemical disinfection to provide safe drinking water to approximately 365,000 people in Victoria, Saanich, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, Central Saanich, North Saanich, Sidney, Highlands, Colwood, Langford and Metchosin. The existing UV disinfection infrastructure is reaching end-of–life status are requires replacement with modern, integrated and efficient equipment that meets Island Health and CRD requirements. 

Conceptual design is underway with construction anticipated to commence in 2024.

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Contact Us

John Esterer, Project Engineer