Project Type Water
Project Status Construction
Project Area Langford
Estimated Cost $9,110,000
Estimated Start Date 01-Mar-2022
Estimated End Date 31-Aug-2024
Estimated Duration 15 months
Contracted To / Performed By Coast Utility Contracting Ltd.


The McCallum Pump Station is a completely new station to be built on McCallum Road between Highway 1 in Langford, BC. The Pump Station will connect to existing supply and distribution mains on McCallum Road.

The Pump Station 7 and Tank 4 site is located on Skirt Mountain, up the road from the McCallum site. The site will have a completely new Pump Station and Bolted-Steel Tank water Reservoir and connect to existing supply and distribution mains on Bear Mountain Pkwy. 

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Contact Us

Adrian Wardle, Project Engineer