Port Washington is located at the north-west tip of North Pender Island, near the northern extremity of Swanson Channel. The surrounding bay offers protection from winter south-easterlies, but is exposed to westerlies and the wake of BC Ferries transiting Swanson Channel.

Public Moorage at Port Washington

portwashington-hhThe wharf comprises two sets of floats, each with their own gangway, for a total moorage space of approximately 200 feet. Several local boats have regular moorage here and visitors are welcome to either raft up or use any available space.

There is forty-five feet of reserved space on the most westerly float. This space is used by emergency vessels, school water-taxis and other service providers, such as BC Hydro crews. Float planes also frequent the reserved area, as well as the very end of the float, on a daily basis.

Nearby Services

There is no water or power available here, and land based facilities are five to six kilometres away. However, the Hope Bay store has a restaurant and shops, about three kilometres away via Port Washington Road.

The notice board at the head of the gangway provides information, payment envelopes, and a lock-box. Additionally, find rate information on this site.

Port Washington Wharfinger

Peter Binner (temporary)
