What is the carpet cleaning operations Code of Practice?


The Carpet Cleaning Code of Practice is a regulation for managing waste materials generated by carpet cleaning operations. All carpet cleaning operations in the Region must follow the code. Examples of carpet cleaning waste include:

  • heavy (elemental) metals
  • chemicals
  • suspended solids and grit
  • hazardous chlorinated and non-chlorinated compounds

Why are carpet cleaning wastes a concern in our environment?

Effluent from carpet cleaning operations can contain high concentrations of grit, heavy metals and chemicals, and often exceed levels specified as restricted under the Sewer Use Bylaw.

Much of the suspended particle waste is non-biodegradable and can accumulate in sewer pipes and collection systems, causing abrasion of pumps and obstruction of screens. Once this material reaches the ocean, it tends to persist in the receiving environment, without biodegrading. These wastes can be harmful to our ecosystems and pose a risk to aquatic and marine species.

What can carpet cleaning businesses do?

By following the Code of Practice, you can significantly reduce the amount of contaminants that end up in our oceans and environment. Metals and other contaminants are now much less common in the waters off our region, thanks in large part to businesses making an effort to dispose of waste properly and safely. Continued effort will ensure our ocean is cleaner and safer for everyone.

You can protect our environment, reduce your own liability and costs and provide a greener, improved business image in your community.

  • Carpet cleaning businesses must install a wastewater treatment screen with screen size not greater than 0.25 millimetres.
  • Solids must be disposed of in the garbage.
  • Written records must be completed and retained.
  • Avoidance of chlorinated cleaning agents whenever possible.

Create an Environmentally Sustainable Business

Other wastes from carpet cleaning can also be a concern if discharged into the sewer system. By limiting your use of non-biodegradable cleaners you can significantly reduce pollution to the marine receiving environment.

Purchase green, non-toxic alternatives and buy from suppliers who accept containers and unused materials back for recycling. By reducing waste overall and disposing of waste in the proper manner, you can help protect our region's environment and reduce your operating costs.

Read the Regulations

The Code of Practice for Carpet Cleaning (Schedule "O"), developed under CRD Bylaw No. 2922 - Sewer Use Bylaw, gives a detailed description of the regulations that carpet cleaning businesses need to follow.

Bylaw Schedule

What are prohibited & restricted wastes?

Read the list of prohibited and restricted wastes, including details on maximum allowable concentrations.