What's New

Staff have initiated conversations with both First Nations and municipal staff located on the Saanich Peninsula to discuss issues, opportunities and projects in local harbours and marine waters that this new service can address.

These conversations will form a terms of reference and workplan for this new CRD service.


There are multiple environmental risks associated with near-shore waters, including contaminant runoff, bilge discharges from boats, habitat alteration and illegal dumping.

Local government actions to address these issues range from education and outreach, advocacy to federal and provincial governments for action, and the pursuit of new regulatory and enforcement options for local governments.

ivb-view-hhIn March 2021, the CRD Board adopted Bylaw 4391: Saanich Peninsula Waterways Environmental Action Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1, 2020 at the request of municipal staff.

The new service will provide a forum to bring First Nations, community groups and government partners together to collaborate on solutions and coordinate roles and responsibilities for action.

The service will not have regulatory authority but will dedicate effort and attention through public outreach and engagement, advocacy, pursuit of specific projects and coordination of any local government actions.