CRD Arts & Culture hosts events and develops an annual Progress Report in support of the arts sector. We also have a number of initiatives through our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Implementation Framework.

Community Outreach

Events and Information Sessions

Leading up to grant deadlines, we offer online grant information sessions. Every two years, we host the Arts Champions Summit. We also sometimes organize developmental workshops for the arts sector.

  • Or contact us to request an information session for your community. 

Impact & Progress Reports

Our annual Impact and Progress Reports highlight the value and impact of CRD-funded art activities and organizations. They also provide updates about progress on the Arts & Culture Support Service Strategic Plan (PDF).

Progress on Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Framework

In January 2022, the Arts Commission approved an EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Implementation Framework. The framework describes a process to examine and adjust our policies and procedures. The goal was to better serve equity-seeking communities.*

A volunteer EDI Subcommittee led the process, and the Arts Commission approved changes. To inform our work, we gathered feedback through the 2021 Arts Champions Summit. The What We Heard Report: 2021 Arts Champions Summit (PDF) summarizes this feedback. Modifications were also in line with actions taken by arts funders across the country.

The result of this process was top to bottom adjustments of our operations and granting. Many of these changes were implemented in 2022, with more to come in 2023.

In the next phase of the process, we will be embedding EDI initiatives and considerations into our next strategic plan.

*Note: Our definition of "equity-seeking communities" is based on the Canada Council for the Arts of "communities that face significant collective challenges in participating in society." Read the full definition in our Glossary.

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Contact Us

Tel: 250.360.3007