Barking Dogs

Barking is a way dogs communicate, including for reasons like anxiety, distress, boredom, lack of or excess stimuli.

What to do when the barking is becoming a consistent problem:

1. Contact the dog owner

Let the dog owner know you're concerned about the barking and give them a chance to make it right.

Try speaking to them directly, or if you're not comfortable, leave an anonymous note.

2. Report your concern

Report the barking dog. Provide the following details:

  • Your name, address, and phone number
  • The specific address and unit number of the barking dog, to help us investigate efficiently
  • The description of the barking dog, if possible
  • The date and time when you hear the barking

*We ask for your name, address, and phone number because we contact you to discuss your concern and explain next steps. Your information is protected by FOIPP.  We do not take anonymous reports, they will not be investigated.

Barking Log

An Animal Control Officer may give direction to keep a Barking Log, be sure to follow all of the specific instructions on the form. They will explain the process and how to record the barking events.

Please do not complete a Barking Log prior to contacting an Animal Control Officer and receiving direction to do so. Barking Logs completed without direction to do so will not be accepted.

Fill out our Interactive Form and email it to our office. *Please note that the form may not be fillable in Firefox 19.0 and higher.

Persons who keep Barking Logs must be 100% truthful when documenting disturbances and not exaggerate or embellish facts.

A Barking Log that consists of numerous entries detailing exact times, durations and observations will provide the Officer with a powerful tool to work with.

Need to register a complaint?


Click on the picture below to view the brochure:
