The Capital Regional District Noise and Unsightly Premises bylaws aim to minimize disturbances in your neighborhood and regulate or prohibit activities that may reasonably prevent you or your neighbors from enjoying your own properties.

Noise complaints are prioritized so that requests that are more frequent and impactful to residents can be responded to most effectively. Bylaw enforcement officers are not emergency responders, therefore do not respond to noise complaints after hours or on an emergency basis, and do not have the authority to immediately stop a noise event.

Before submitting a noise complaint, please learn more about the noise regulations and the types of complaints the CRD can respond to.


The CRD Bylaw staff enforce noise bylaws for three Electoral Areas in accordance with procedures and provisions of the Local Government Act.

Failure to comply with the bylaw can result in fines being issued by Bylaw Enforcement officers.


Submitting a Complaint

Before submitting a complaint, we encourage residents to exercise a reasonable degree of tolerance and consider speaking with those responsible for making the noise or the owner of the property that is unsightly, to give them an opportunity to correct the issue. If applicable, follow-up with your landlord, condominium corporation or other entity that has the authority to resolve your concerns.

The CRD does not respond directly to complaints about isolated noise events that are unlikely to recur or occur very infrequently, noise that is not in violation of the Noise Bylaw, or issues under the jurisdiction of another agency. 

Bylaw enforcement officers do not respond to noisy parties or noise from people acting disorderly, such as yelling, screaming and fighting. To report these types of noise, call the non-emergency number for appropriate Police or RCMP for your area.  For emergencies, call 911.

If you are unable to resolve the issue and the noise does not meet the above exemptions, you can call CRD Bylaw Services at 250.474.3351 or 1.800.665.7899 during regular office hours or submit a complaint online.

What happens after you submit a complaint?

The goal is to resolve the issue and achieve compliance with the bylaw. A bylaw enforcement officer will be assigned to respond to your complaints and will contact you according to the assessed priority of the complaints.

Each issue is addressed on case-by-case basis to make sure reasonable, fair and appropriate actions are taken. If there is a possible noise bylaw violation, the officer may conduct an investigation, which could include education, mediation, and/or enforcement actions.

In the event that legal action is necessary, you may be asked to provide a witness statement and give evidence in court.

Noise Exemptions

There is a dedicated section regarding exemptions in each bylaw.

Animal Noise

Generally, any noise created by an animal is regulated under the Animal Control Bylaw for the municipality or Electoral Area. 


  • dogs (barking, howling etc.)
  • livestock 
  • cats or other domestic animals

Noise created by wildlife are not regulated but can be reported to RAPP.

Contact Us

Juan de Fuca, Salt Spring Island and Southern Gulf Island Electoral Areas:

Phone: 250.474.3351
Toll-free: 1.800.665.7899

To report a concern outside an Electoral Area, please contact your local municipality.