Bylaw enforcement officers and other authorized persons investigate complaints received from the public regarding non-compliance and alleged bylaw violations. Complaints are responded to on a priority basis.

Staff are available during regular office hours to answer questions about Capital Regional District bylaws not answered on this website.

Before Submitting a Complaint

Before submitting a complaint, we encourage residents to exercise a reasonable degree of tolerance and consider speaking with those responsible for the alleged bylaw infraction to give them an opportunity to correct the issue. If applicable, follow-up with your landlord, condominium corporation or other entity that has the authority to resolve your concerns.

The CRD does not respond to complaints or issues under the jurisdiction of another agency. 

Bylaw enforcement officers do not respond after hours to noise i.e. noisy parties, barking dogs.  To report these types of noise, call the non-emergency number for appropriate Police or RCMP for your area.  For emergencies, call 911.

If you are unable to resolve the issue and the noise does not meet the above exemptions, you can call CRD Bylaw Services at 250.474.3351 or 1.800.665.7899 during regular office hours or submit a complaint online.

How do I make a complaint?

A bylaw complaint is a formal written request to have an alleged bylaw infraction investigated by a bylaw enforcement officer. To ensure bylaw complaints are responded to as quickly and comprehensively as possible, the CRD has created a complaint form for complainants to fill out and submit online.

The name and phone number of the complainant must be provided, anonymous or third-party complaints will not be accepted.

The anonymity of the complainant will be maintained between the complainant and the alleged offender, but is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

You can also make a complaint by:

  • Email at 
  • In person at CRD Bylaw Services (212-2780 Veterans Memorial Parkway)
  • Phone at 250.474.3351 or 1.800.665.7899

Why do I have to give my name, address and phone number when I make a complaint?

Bylaw Services cannot investigate anonymous complaints. Your contact information is required to enable you to follow-up with staff about the investigation and to contact you to obtain more information, if necessary. 

Your personal information is protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) Act.

Will I have to go to court if I make a complaint?

The ultimate goal for any bylaw investigation is voluntary compliance, if that cannot be achieved there are various enforcement actions to assist with gaining compliance. 

If it becomes necessary to prosecute someone for a bylaw offence or for the CRD to take civil proceedings, then it may be necessary for you to present evidence in court.

What happens after I submit a complaint?

The goal is to resolve the issue and achieve compliance with the bylaw. A bylaw enforcement officer will be assigned to respond to your complaints and will contact you according to the assessed priority of the complaints.

Each issue is addressed on case-by-case basis to make sure reasonable, fair and appropriate actions are taken. If there is a possible bylaw violation, the officer may conduct an investigation, which could include education, mediation, and/or enforcement actions.

In the event that legal action is necessary, you may be asked to provide a witness statement and give evidence in court.

Will the Bylaw Enforcement Officer update me on the status of my complaint?

CRD Bylaw Enforcement Officers will contact the complainant if they require more detail or have any questions and before the file is sent for closure, the Officer will update the original complainant.

Report a Bylaw Violation

Required fields are denoted with  *
(first and last)
Your contact information: You must provide your name and contact details for a complaint to be investigated.
Provide the closest address if the exact location is unknown. (1000 characters max)
Provide an estimate if exact details unknown. If the contravention occurred over multiple days, provide the last date.
(5000 characters max)
(5000 characters max)

Complainant Anonymity:
The complainant's identity and any identifying information will not be disclosed to the alleged offender or any public member except as required by law. Likewise, specific details of an investigation or enforcement steps will not be disclosed to the complainant.

Personal Information:
The personal information you provide on this form is being collected in accordance with S.26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used only for the purpose of processing this information. This document may become public information if the Act allows. For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact Coral Henderson, Bylaw and Animal Care Services, Capital Regional District, 212-270 Veterans Memorial Parkway, Langford, BC V9B 3S6 by phone 250.474.3351 or email.

Contact us

250.474.3351 or 1.800.665.7899

Office hours

Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

212-2780 Veterans Memorial Parkway
Langford, BC V9B 3S6