The CRD is committed to maintaining stable water quality conditions. Typically, only slight operational adjustments to the water treatment processes are needed to address seasonal changes to raw water conditions. These slight adjustments are normally unnoticeable to the public. If more drastic adjustments are required, CRD would notify the public with a Water Quality Advisory.
Fall/Winter: Chlorine taste and/or odour may be stronger in the fall as the municipalities are conducting their winter flushing programs. After flushing there is less organic material in the pipes consuming chlorine which may result in a stronger taste and/or odour. Water is monitored daily to ensure the water remains safe (chlorine residuals and bacteriological testing).
First warm weather in spring or during hot weather in summer: A stronger chlorine taste and/or odour may be related to watering schedules and/or irrigation by farms (if there are any) in your area. This increased demand means water is moving more quickly through the mains and has less time to sit. As a result, residents may notice the chlorine odour and/or taste more prominently.
July-September: During the peak of the summer months the drinking water temperature often exceeds 15ºC. With these warmer water temperatures it is easier to detect various flavours of drinking water. Therefore consumers may notice more prominently the taste of aquatic water ingredients or chlorine odours.
If the problem continues, you should follow up with your water supplier (municipality or CRD, depending on where you live).