Alerts & Notices

Annual Juan de Fuca Water Main Flushing Program

The Capital Regional District's Integrated Water Services Water Main Flushing Program services communities within the Westshore.

The flushing program will resume in January, 2025 and include the following communities: Langford, and Colwood. 

Why We Flush 

Water main flushing is a technique used to clean water distribution pipes and reservoirs of sediments that builds up over time. This is accomplished by strategic manipulation of fire hydrants and valves to force water at high velocities through the system from previously flushed sections of pipe.

The flushing program is conducted annually and also provides the following system benefits:

  • Improved water quality
  • Improved system hydraulic capacity
  • Improved system operation by identifying weak or problem areas
  • Improved/restored chlorine residual
  • Increased life of system components such as pressure reducing valves, line valves, pumps, etc.

What to Expect During Flushing 

During the flushing process, low pressure and discoloured water are common.  Any discolouration is temporary and is not a health hazard. CRD staff collect and test water samples daily throughout the entire distribution system to ensure that the water is safe for consumption. If you notice any discolouration in your water, run your cold water taps until water runs clear, this should only be done after crews have finished flushing in your area. Please take caution and ensure that water is clear before drinking, showering, doing laundry or dishes.  

Resources for People With Weakened Immune Systems

Individuals with a weakened immune system should reference the following HealthLinkBC information:

How We Notify the Public About Flushing

The CRD advertises the Juan de Fuca water main flushing program in local newspapers approximately two weeks prior to the first day of flushing. The CRD also updates its website and social media with exact areas of flushing and additional information on the flushing program.  

How to Connect with Other Municipalities Regarding Flushing

Water main flushing is also conducted annually by six other drinking water distributors in Greater Victoria. For more information about Non-CRD flushing programs, see contact information below.

Municipality Name Telephone
Central Saanich 250.544.4224 ext. 221
North Saanich 250.655.5480
Saanich 250.475.5599
Oak Bay 250.598.4501
Sidney 250.656.1034
Victoria/Esquimalt 250.361.0400

Contact Us

Flushing Inquiries
Tel: 250.474.9619