Hartland Public Drop-off Depot

To access the Hartland Depot, follow the signs to the general public scale where the attendant will direct you for unloading. Some items are charged by weight, others are subject to a recycling fee and some materials are accepted at no charge.


  • Maximum vehicle size: 5,500kg GVW.
  • Charges will apply for some business recycling.
  • All loads must be covered and secured (penalties in effect).
  • New: Effective January 2, 2025, the general refuse tipping fee will increase from $150/tonne to $155/tonne. Read the media release for more details.
  • Reminder: Clean wood (pallets, crating and lumber off-cuts), treated wood (painted, stained engineered wood products) and asphalt are banned from general refuse. Materials must arrive separated and staff will direct you to a designated drop off location. If loads are mixed with other materials, fines are in effect.  

Free (no charge items)

CRD residents - No charge

Rates and Pay-by-Weight Items



  • Tires on rims (automotive) (5 per visit)

$26/commercial haulers

  • Tires on rims (automotive) (5 per charge)
  • Paper products and packaging (Recycle BC materials)

Diversion Streams

$59/tonne, $10 minimum

$80/tonne + $10 bin user fee

  • Clean wood (pallets, crating and lumber cut-offs. Must arrive separated from other materials and be placed in the clean wood bin)

$110/tonne + $10 bin user fee

  • Asphalt shingles
  • Treated wood (pressure treated, painted or stained. Pre-approval is required for wood subflooring or wood studs removed from underneath drywall, plaster or stucco)

$110/tonne, $10 minimum

  • Branches and stumps (greater than 3" diameter)


$155/tonne + $10 bin user fee

  • Mattresses and box springs

Landfill Disposal

$155/tonne + $10 bin user fee

  • General refuse (no banned materials)
  • Renovation/demolition waste (pre-approval required)
  • Reminder: Clean wood (pallets, lumber off-cuts), treated wood (painted, stained, engineered wood products) and asphalt shingles are banned from being disposed of as general refuse and renovation and demolition material.  

Reusable Items Accepted

In partnership with local non-profit organizations, the following reusable items are accepted at the Hartland Depot (no charge):

  • Clothing (clean, dry and bagged or boxed)
  • Bicycles
  • Paint (fuller cans of new paint can be dropped off, customers can take paint)

Learn more about the collection of reusable items at Hartland Depot and donation opportunities in the community.

What Happens to Recycling?

Items collected for recycling at Hartland Depot are accepted on behalf of various Extended Producer Responsibility programs. For more information on what happens to items once collected visit the programs' websites.

Extended Producer Responsibility Programs

Recycle BC - Residential packaging and paper products such as cardboard, mixed paper, glass bottles and jars, mixed containers, flexible plastics, plastic bags and overwrap, foam trays and blocks, etc.

Major Appliance Recycling Roundtable (MARR) - Large appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, etc.

ElectroRecycle - Small appliances and power tools.

Call2Recycle - Batteries (household, rechargeable, e-mobility and automotive), cell phones, cameras, laptops, etc. 

Return-It - Beverage containers.

Product Care - Lightbulbs and lighting equipment, paint, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, pesticides, etc.

Interchange - Motor oil, oil filters, empty oil containers.

Thermostat Recovery Program - Thermostats.

Tire Stewardship BC - Automotive tires, bicycle tires and tubes.

Outdoor Power Equipment Institute Canada (OPEIC) - Electric outdoor power equipment.

Feedback Wanted For Expanded Hours Pilot

Hartland Landfill’s new Saturday hours are 7am to 5pm, adding three extra hours (2pm - 5pm) for a one-year pilot period.

2025 Tipping Changes

Effective January 2, 2025 the general refuse, controlled waste and asbestos tipping fees will increase at Hartland Landfill. Read the media release  for more details.

Material Sorting Rules

Clean wood (pallets, lumber off-cuts), treated wood (painted, stained, engineered wood products) and asphalt shingles are banned from being disposed of as garbage. Materials must arrive separated at Hartland Landfill, otherwise fines are in effect. Read the factsheet for more details.

Hartland Information

Cover Your Load

All loads must be covered and secured in order to reduce litter on roadways. Vehicles arriving with uncovered and/or unsecured loads will be charged double the normal fee or be subject to a fine.

Questions? Contact Us
